japanese mash

Hello! I'm originally from Cardiff in Wales but am currently living in Hagi-shi, Japan. I'm an Assistant Language Teacher on the Jet programme and have set up this blog to act as a diary of my time here and also to let friends know what I'm up to (I hate group emails as much as the next person!). Enjoy..... or be bored.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Hagi Christmas

A very different christmas for me this year but it was an extremely enjoyable one!! Dan and Rosie were the perfect hosts. We ate lots, still drank lots despite hangovers and had a jolly good time. Rosie was a trooper in the kitchen and served up a great meal. Christmas dinner with silver chopsticks - bizarre!

What is this I see? Saori, my JTE, giving an inflatable sheep a blow, a nasty blow. (thanks for the sheep jo, coc and liz!!)


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