japanese mash

Hello! I'm originally from Cardiff in Wales but am currently living in Hagi-shi, Japan. I'm an Assistant Language Teacher on the Jet programme and have set up this blog to act as a diary of my time here and also to let friends know what I'm up to (I hate group emails as much as the next person!). Enjoy..... or be bored.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

The Spillers at school

I tried to sneak my parents and sister quietly into my base school so that they could have a quick look around. They were immediately ushered into the Priciple's room and then whisked off to have the brass band play for them. Not quite the discrete look around I was expecting. My sister was given a baseball by the baseball boys and loads of hugs from the girls. I don't get any hugs :( Then they came to my elementary school for a day. I had been moaning about the teacher there the whole 2 weeks building up to it - but the bloody cow was on her best behaviour and was normal for once!!!! Typical.

My parents were amazed by the school and finally agreed that Japanese kids are exceptionally cute, despite claiming that all kids are the same wherever you go. My mother is a governor of an elementary school at home so she was fascinated by the similarities and difference between the two schools and wants to set up a link in the name internationalisation.


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